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英语六级分值分布明细(Score Distribution Details of the English CET-6 Exam)

Score Distribution Details of the English CET-6 Exam


The CET-6 (College English Test - Level 6) is a standardized English proficiency exam conducted in China. It assesses the English language skills of undergraduate students in the country. The score distribution of this exam provides valuable insights into the performance of test-takers and helps in understanding the overall proficiency level. This article provides a detailed overview of the score distribution of the CET-6, highlighting the average scores, standard deviations, and percentage distribution of scores across different bands.

Average Scores and Standard Deviations:

The average score of the CET-6 exam is an important indicator of the overall performance of test-takers. It provides a benchmark to compare individual scores and determine the proficiency level. According to recent data, the average score of the CET-6 exam is around 500 out of a total of 710 points.

In addition to the average score, the standard deviation is also crucial in understanding the score distribution. It measures the spread of scores around the mean. A larger standard deviation indicates a wider range of scores, implying greater variability in performance among test-takers. Generally, the standard deviation of the CET-6 exam scores ranges from 50 to 100 points.

Percentage Distribution of Scores:

The percentage distribution of scores provides a detailed breakdown of the performance of test-takers in different score bands. This information gives insights into the proficiency levels of students and helps in evaluating the difficulty level of the exam.

Band 1 (0-349):

Test-takers in this band have the lowest level of proficiency. They demonstrate minimal understanding of English and struggle with basic communication. This score range typically represents a failure in the exam. The percentage of students falling into this band is usually less than 10% of the total number of test-takers.

Band 2 (350-499):

The majority of test-takers fall into this band. Students in this range have a basic understanding of English and can handle simple communication tasks. However, they still lack the necessary proficiency to express themselves fluently or comprehend complex texts. The percentage of students in this band is usually around 50-60%.

Band 3 (500-599):

Test-takers in this band demonstrate a moderate level of proficiency. They have a solid grasp of the language and can effectively communicate in most situations. However, they may still face difficulties in understanding advanced academic texts or expressing complex ideas. The percentage of students in this band is typically around 20-30%.

Band 4 (600+):

This band represents the highest level of proficiency. Test-takers in this range have an excellent command of English and can handle complex communication tasks with ease. They can comprehend academic texts, express ideas fluently, and engage in in-depth discussions. The percentage of students scoring in this band is usually less than 10%.


The score distribution of the CET-6 exam provides valuable insights into the English proficiency of undergraduate students in China. By examining the average scores, standard deviations, and percentage distribution of scores across different bands, we can gauge the overall performance of test-takers and evaluate the difficulty level of the exam. Understanding the score distribution helps in identifying areas of improvement and designing effective English language learning strategies.

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